Photo Update 1078 |
- If you LiKE this set then you should watch these ViDEOs. I have SiX (6) ViDs with LEOPARD THEMEs! I SURE APPRECIATE if you would CHECK ONE or MORE out! THANKs! DAiSY many KiSSEs. xoxo CLiCK the LiNKs below to go and see THUMB PREViEWs! ========================================================= [SKiNTiGHT LEOPARD DRESS] almost 10 MiNiUTES for $4.99 Do you LiKE my BOOTY? Do you WANT to SEE MORE? CUM and WATCH me DANCE, SHOW OFF and SHAKE my PHAT BOOTY. You won't be DiSAPOiNTED. :) ---> FEATURiNG: BOOTY SHAKiNG / FLASHiNG / UPSKiRTs / BLACK PANTiEs get it HERE ... ========================================================= [SKiNTiGHT LEOPARD DRESS] 2: SLOPPY BLOWJOB $7.99 for 15+ MiNUTEs this one STARTs where part 1 ends. --> FEATURiNG: SLOBBERY WET BLOWJOB / CLEAN AUDiO / HEAR the SUCKiNG! / GREAT CUMSHOT in MULTiPLE ANGLEs / GiANT FACiAL on NOSE, GLASSEs & TONGUE -- I LiKE CUM EVERYWHERE. WHERE do YOU WANT to CUM? get it HERE ... ========================================================= [SKiNTiGHT LEOPARD] III: BUTT-PLUG up my ASS! 10 MiNUTEs for $6.99 This is my FiRST BUTT-PLUG ViDEO! I GOT this TAiL but I don't have much ANAL experience and NONE with a BUTT-PLUG. This one is TOO BIG for me and a ROUGH way to START, but this is where I START. :O You will be able to tell when it slips in early in this ViD. haha. it isn't as EXPiCiT as I would LiKE but it HURT and I was trying to keep a BRAVE face on. :) I take it out fairly quickly but know I AM STUFFED FULL and PROMiSE I will make another one very soon. I got another one that is SMALLER! whew! ---> FEATURiNG: 1st TiME with a (TOO-BiG) Butt-Plug / SKiNTiGHT CATSUiT / LEOPARD BiKiNi & FREE Movie PREVIEWs get it HERE ... ========================================================= [LEOPARD BOOTY Shake-a-Palooza!] 27 minutes!! I'm in a tight spandex LEOPARD print dress, and red high heels. -- This is a LONG video. I shot all over my house and combined it all together. If you want to see me dancing and showing off this is the video for you. -- featuring: no PANTY UpSKIRTs / Tight BOOTY Shakin' / DiRTY Petit MILF & FREE Movie PREVIEWs get it HERE ... ========================================================= [a NAUGHTY day] $4.99 a lot of my DAYs are NAUGHTY and here is a FUN one caught on ViDEO. It starts with me TEASiNG in blue JEAN shorts, a LEOPARD print bra and a GREEN tank top. Come and watch me SHAKE, WiGGLE and JiGGLE out of them and show you what is beneath. ---> FEATURiNG: HAiRY MOM PUSSY & ROUND PHAT BOOTY get it HERE ... ========================================================= NAUGHTY day] vol.II: BLOWJOB w/BiG FACiAL CUMSHOT $9.99 for 16 MiNUTEs! this one starts off right where vol.1 ends it's my NEW FAVORiTE COCKSUCKiNG ViDEO! CUM WATCH ME DRAiN HiS BALLs! ---> this MOViE is shot with MULTiPLE ANGLEs and there are always TWO different VERSiONs on the screen at the same time. SO, you get double the footage and always something fun to LOOK at. :) get it HERE ... ========================================================= - HiYA HANDSOME! at the end of this SET there an iMAGE PREViEW of my MOViE redDEViL Hiya sweetie. I'm feeling like a little DEViL in the red one piece. I'm dancing and showing off my tight granny butt. CUM see! get it here ... ----- I have 155+ ViDs! NEW ViDEOs every MONTH! they START at $2.99 get them here... - |